Edit profile

Edit your contact number and address in the Skedulo Plus mobile app.


When logged into the moble app, users can view their profile. This includes an avatar or photo (if configured in the web app), their mobile number, and their address. These values come from the resource record and are used for notifications and scheduling calculations.

View your profile

To view your profile in the Skedulo Plus app, do the following steps:

  • Tap More and then tap your name at the top of the screen. Your profile displays.

Edit your mobile number or address

The ability to edit your profile in the mobile app is controlled by an admin setting. See the admin documentation for more information or contact your system administrator for assistance.

To edit your profile details, do the following steps:

  1. In the mobile app, navigate to your profile.
  2. Tap Edit profile.
  3. Change your address and/or mobile number as required and then tap Save. Your resource record will be updated and the new information will be used for notifications and scheduling purposes.