Frequently Asked Questions - SSO

FAQs for Single Sign-On

Review these frequently asked questions (FAQs) to assist you in implementing and troubleshooting single sign-on (SSO) with Skedulo.

Can I test my SSO configuration before implementing it?

Yes. Utilize an alternative Skedulo environment (e.g. A developer or UAT environment) to test the configuration first. Once you have validated the configuration and are able to successfully authenticate your support agent can replciate the configuration for your production environment.

Can I prevent users from logging into Skedulo with their username and password?

Yes. You can require users to log in to Skedulo via Single Sign-On by creating their user account with the SSO User checkbox selected. Preventing logins with a Skedulo username and password ensures that users can’t bypass your Single Sign-On identity provider.

Can I convert username and password users to SSO users?

Yes, please raise a support ticket for assistance with this as impacted user accounts will need to be temporarily deactivated whilst SSO user accounts are provisioned.

Can I enable SSO for Skedulo administrators?

You’re welcome to enable SSO for Skedulo administrators, however it is highly recommended that at least one administrator is able to login with username and password to ensure that access should your identity provider become unavailable due to outage or misconfiguration.