Jobs at one location

The jobs at this location feature in the Skedulo v2 mobile app


The Jobs at this location feature is enabled by dispatching more than one job for the same location, to the same resource.

Locations are known addresses linked to an account (like a warehouse location). Locations are created via Salesforce CRM, or via the Skedulo web app data table, and are applied while creating a job.

View jobs at this location

To see a list of all the jobs at one location:

  1. In the Skedulo v2 mobile app, open the job details for a job that shares a single location as another.

  2. Scroll down to locate a button with the heading “Jobs at this location.” It is placed above the “Notes” section (under the action buttons).

  3. Tap to open the “Jobs at this location” view. There are two tabs: “Previous” and “Future.”

  4. The jobs listed under the “Future” tab are those jobs due after the current time.

Viewing all the jobs for one location which are allocated to a single resource.

Manage locations