Add and rename attachments

Use attachments in the Skedulo v2 mobile app


It is possible to attach many different file types to a job on the Skedulo app. Once added, they are immediately synchronized and ready for use.

Mobile users can download and view images, PDFs, HTML files, text files, spreadsheets and any other supported file types from the server, so long as the mobile device has suitable apps to view them. 

Mobile users can also attach images (only) to jobs for upload to the server. Permissions must first be granted to allow Skedulo to access the user’s camera and photo library.

Adding attachments

To add attachments to a job, go to the toolbar above the job’s details and perform the following:

  1. Tap the paperclip button to add attachments (top-right under the blue nav bar).

  2. Tap Browse.

  3. Locate the images to be uploaded (permission will be requested to access the photo library).

  4. Select up to 10 pictures to upload.

  5. Tap Done.

  6. The attachments are synced with the Skedulo web app.

  7. The job details attachment button indicates the number of attachments added to the job.

How to access a mobile’s photo library from a job in Skedulo.

Rename an attachment

Mobile users also can edit or change attachment names.

To rename an attachment perform the following actions:

  1. Tap on the attachment you wish to rename.

  2. Tap on the edit icon (the pencil at the top-right). Note: you will also see the existing file name at the bottom of your screen.

  3. In Edit Info you can change the file name. Tap the back arrow to save.

  4. Hit the back arrow one more time to return to your attachments.

  5. The new name of that file will now synchronize with the web app.

How to rename an image attachment in Skedulo.

Adding photos

To add a new camera image (a photo) to a job:

  1. From within the job details, tap the paperclip button to add an attachment (top-right under the blue top bar).

  2. Tap on the camera button (at the bottom-left of the screen).

  3. Option: If this is the first time the camera has been used, access must be granted to use either the camera or the camera and the photos library on the mobile device.

  4. Take a photo.

  5. If the photo is acceptable tap Use Photo, if not tap Retake.

  6. Once Use Photo has been pressed the photo will be uploaded to the Skedulo server (it is immediately available to view in the web app.

![Taking a photo using Skedulo.]/images/mobile-app-user-guide/take-photo.png)

Skedulo settings to save photos to the photo library of an iOS mobile device.

Skedulo settings to save photos to the photo library of an iOS mobile device.

The alert message banner displayed when location services are not enabled.

The alert message banner displayed when location services are not enabled.

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