Get started with Recurring activities

How to configure the web app so users can access the Recurring activities extension.


The Recurring activities extension must be enabled in your team. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information on how to do this.

Add Recurring activities to your web app navigation

After your Skedulo Customer Success Manager has added the extension to your team, an administrator can complete the setup.

There are three steps to the navigation menu configuration:

  1. Add an Activities section to the navigation menu.
  2. Replace the activities Activities page with the Activities list view page.
  3. Add Recurring activities to the navigation menu.

The instructions below cover how to create an Activities item in the navigation menu, under which you can access the Activities list and Recurring activities page. The same principles can be used to create navigation items in different ways and with different labels to suit your particular use cases.

Step 1/3: Add an Activities section

To add an Activities section to the navigation menu, do the following steps:

  1. In Settings > Web app configuration > Navigation menu, click Add menu item.
  2. In Menu item name, enter Activities.
  3. Under Type, select No link. Activities menu item link
  4. Add the Roles with access as required.
  5. Click Done. The menu item will be at the bottom of the list.
  6. Drag and drop the Activities menu item to be the parent of the existing Activities item.

Step 2/3: Update the Activities page to the Activities list view

To update the Activities page to the list view, do the following steps:

  1. In the web app, navigate to Settings > Web app configuration > Navigation menu.
  2. Click the pencil icon on the Activities child menu item. The Edit menu item window displays. Edit activities menu item modal
  3. Change the Menu item name to All activities, or another name of your choosing.
  4. Select Platform page.
  5. From the Destination platform page drop-down, select Activities list. The required settings for the activities list view page
  6. Make changes to the Roles with access, if required.
  7. To save your changes, click Done. Or click Cancel to return to the settings without saving.

Step 3/3: Add the Recurring activities page

To add Recurring activities to the navigation menu, do the following steps:

  1. In Settings > Web app configuration > Navigation menu, click Add menu item.
  2. In Menu item name, enter Recurring activities.
  3. Under Type, select Platform page.
  4. From the Destination platform page drop-down, select Recurring activities list.
  5. Add the Roles with access as required. Recurring activities menu navigation config
  6. To save your changes, click Done. The menu item will be at the bottom of the list.
  7. Drag the Recurring activities menu item under the Activities parent item.
  8. Click Save.