Manage recurring schedules

How to change, modify, or delete the recurring schedule.


The following document shows you how to change, modify, or delete a recurring schedule.

A recurring schedule allows a scheduler to create work items that occur in a repeating pattern. It groups work items on a recurring schedule. If you haven’t created a recurring schedule yet, refer to Create and use recurring schedules for more information.

Modify a recurring schedule

When you change any parameter of a work item that is part of a recurring schedule, you may encounter some work item, resource, or time-related conflicts. Such conflicts may result in your desired change no longer being a viable option.

For example, if you wish to change or add a resource to a work item in the recurring schedule. On that particular day, the resource is unavailable, this can create conflicts in the successful completion of the work item. In such a scenario, the Job conflicts modal pops up to inform you.

job conflicts modal

Here, you can choose to:

  • Click Yes to apply the changes to only the non-conflicting work item.
  • Click No, All jobs to apply the changes to all the work items.
  • Click Cancel to revert your changes.

Edit recurrence of a work item in a recurring schedule

A scheduler can reconfigure all future work items in the series.

To edit the recurrence of a work item, follow these steps:


  1. Go to the Recurring schedules page of the Work console and choose a recurring schedule.

  2. On the recurring schedule page, click the vertical ellipse icon next to the work item you want, then click Edit Recurrence.

  3. The Update Recurring Pattern modal displays. Configure the recurring pattern as you want, and then click Save to confirm your action.

    • To extend the schedule by a specific number of occurrences, click AFTER and enter the desired number.

    • To extend the schedule to a specific date, click ON and select the date from the calendar in the corresponding field.

    Edit recurring pattern modal

Extend a recurring schedule

Recurring schedules are created with a defined endpoint - either after a certain number of occurrences or at a certain date. The schedule can be extended if more occurrences are required after the date that was originally required.

To extend a recurring schedule based on the last job in the series, do the following steps:


  1. On the recurring schedule record page, click Actions > Extend. The Extend recurring pattern modal displays.

  2. Do one of the following:

    a. To extend the schedule by a specific number of occurrences, click AFTER and enter the desired number.

    The extend schedule modal with AFTER selected

    b. To extend the schedule to a specific date, click ON and select the date from the calendar in the corresponding field.

    The extend schedule modal with ON selected

  3. Click Save to apply the changes, or Cancel to return to the recurring schedule record without making changes.

Allocate or deallocate resources on a recurring schedule

Schedulers can allocate one or more work items in a recurring schedule. In the same way, one or more jobs can be deallocated.


  1. Navigate to Work console > Recurring schedules and choose a recurring schedule.

  2. On the recurring schedule detail page, select work items that you want to allocate or deallocate.

    ​Allocating multiple resources to a recurring schedule.

  3. Depending on the action you require, click on the Allocate or Deallocate buttons that appear at the top of the page.

    a. If you select Allocate, the Allocate to jobs dialog appears. Select one or multiple resources to add to the work items in the recurring schedule.

    ​Selecting resources to allocate to a recurring schedule.

    b. If you select Deallocate, a confirmation pop-up apppears. Click OK to confirm your action.

Copy and replace tasks on a recurring schedule

A scheduler can copy and replace tasks from one work item in a recurring schedule to the remaining work items in the recurring schedule that are still to occur.

The following rules apply:

  • Any tasks on recurring work items, starting at the same time or after the current work item, will be overwritten to match the task list on the selected work item.
  • If you are copying tasks from a work item in the recurring schedule that does not have a start time, then the replace action will be applied to all items in the recurring schedule.
  • Queued work items (with no start time) will not be updated.
  • A loading indicator (spinner) will be displayed while waiting for the copy process to complete.
  • After the copy process completes successfully, a confirmation message displays.
  • If there is an error, an error message displays to inform that the update failed.
  • The task order will be maintained.

To copy tasks on a recurring schedule, follow these steps:


  1. Go to a work item’s work details page and switch to the Tasks tab.

  2. Click Copy tasks.

    Copying a job task in a recurring schedule.

  3. The confirmation pop-up appears. Review the information, then click Copy tasks to confirm your action.

    ​The confirmation pop-up for copying tasks in a recurring schedule.

Cancel work items in a recurring schedule

The easiest way to cancel work items on a recurring schedule is via the recurring schedules page of the Work console.

To cancel work items, do as follows:


  1. Go to the Recurring schedules page of the Work console and choose a recurring schedule.

  2. On the recurring schedule page, select multiple work items that you want to cancel and then click Cancel job.

    Cancel multiple jobs

    If you want to cancel only one work item, click Cancel Job via the three-dot menu.

    Cancel one job

  3. The Cancel jobs dialog appears, select one of the cancelation reasons from the drop-down list then click Yes, cancel.

    How to provide a reason when canceling jobs from a recurring schedule.

Dispatch and accept individual work items

By default, work items in a recurring schedule are dispatched as a group. If an allocated resource accepts one work item in the series, they automatically take all other work items in that series as well. However, if resources are required to acknowledge each work item individually, then there is a setting to be configured.

This setting can be applied to each schedule by enabling the option Dispatch and Accept per job found at the bottom of the Create Job page’s time tab.

This setting can also be set at a global level–applying to all recurring schedules across the organization. To set the global setting, do as follows:


  1. Click on your user profile in the upper-right corner, then go to Settings > Scheduling > Jobs.

    The Jobs setting page displays.

  2. Scroll down to the Recurring Schedules section, then enable the Dispatch and accept per job option.