Configure and customize push and SMS notifications

Configure and customize push and SMS notifications sent to the Skedulo mobile app.


The mobile notifications section of admin settings allows admins to configure and customize push and SMS notifications sent to the Skedulo mobile app.

Administrators can specify custom notification templates for dispatch, reminders, cancellation, and job offers notifications.

Notification types

There are four notification types available to tailor:

  1. Dispatch: When enabled, this notification is sent to the relevant resource(s) any time a job is dispatched to a resource.

  2. Remind: When enabled, this notification is sent to the relevant resource(s) any time a job is re-notified, and the resource has confirmed (accepted) the job.

  3. Canceled: When enabled, this notification is sent to the relevant resource(s) any time they are deallocated or the job is canceled or removed from a resource.

  4. Offer: When enabled, this notification is sent any time a job offer is sent to a resource.

Each notification type can be enabled or disabled as required, using the On and Off buttons. They are all on by default using their own default notification templates.

The on and off switch for notification types

Each notification type can be also customized by selecting Custom.

The custom button for notification settings

Mobile notification templates

Each notification channel, SMS and Push, uses separate templates containing text and dynamic fields. Resources can receive notification via one of two channels; SMS or PUSH. The channel that is used for a particular resource is determined by the SMS/Push setting in their preferred notification method.

Customize mobile notification templates

Note that the default notification format can not be customized.

To customize the notification templates, do the following:

  1. Select the Notification type you wish to inspect or customize.
  2. Select if the notification should be turned On or Off for the chosen notification type.
  3. Select the channel template you wish to inspect or customize: SMS Notifications or PUSH Notifications. Push notification button
  4. To use a custom template select Custom and edit the text and fields via the input box.
  5. To draft your notification message, add text from the keyboard and also select fields from the dropdown menu to insert them in between your text.
  6. The preview window shows how the notification message would look on the recipient’s mobile screen. The preview uses some default job data for input, but you can also choose an existing job to utilize as an example.
  7. To save your custom template, click Save.

The standard job fields in the notification templates are:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Customer
  • Start time
  • Duration

The custom job field types available notification templates are:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Date
  • Checkbox
  • Picklist

To revert to the default style, click Default, then confirm to clear any customization and restore the default template.

Prompt resources to accept or decline jobs

Where organizations use SMS to notify their resources of jobs, admins can choose if their resources must accept or decline a job by replying to the SMS. This feature is applicable only for Dispatch notifications.

Once the setting Prompt resources to accept or decline jobs by SMS reply is enabled, the following text is appended to all dispatched job notifications sent by SMS:

The default value is ON.

Example configurations

Example 1: Configuration of a custom dispatch push notification:

Screenshot of the settings for a custom dispatch push notification

Example 2: Configuration of custom dispatch SMS notification:

Screenshot of the settings for a custom dispatch SMS notification