Edit mobile form details with Form Builder

Edit mobile forms using the Form Builder.


After you’ve created a mobile form using Form Builder, you can edit the form details to meet your requirements.


You must be an administrator or a user with the following permissions:

  • Configuration > View organization settings
  • Configuration > Modify organization settings

Edit the form details

After a form has been created, you can edit fields in the Form Details tab. Only the Form ID and Form type cannot be edited. If you want to change them, you will need to create a new form and delete the old one.

Follow these steps to edit the form details:

  1. Hover over the field and click the Edit pencil icon Edit button.

    Form Builder editor

  2. Once in edit mode, modify the fields as needed.

Form edit mode

Field Description
Select a form submission option Control the number of form submissions and the ability for resources to review and edit their submissions. Refer to this section for more details.
Select the following option that meets your needs:
  • Single submission: Allow users to review and edit their responses.
  • Multiple form submission: Allow users to submit responses multiple times, but submissions cannot be reviewed or edited.

When you create a data-mapped form to update the job record, this field automatically set as update to existing Job record.
Visible for job types Specify which job types or resource categories the form is visible to.
Required for job completion on types Specify which job types or resource categories that require form completion before the job can be marked as complete.
Mobile display order Specify the numerical order the form must appear relative to other forms of the same type. Forms with lower numbers appear higher in the list.
Prevent form submission on job statuses Select the job statuses where resources are restricted from submitting forms. Refer to this section for more details.
  1. Click Save when you have completed your form edits.

Select a form submission option

In the form settings, it is possible to configure the number of form submissions that mobile users can make, and with that, control the ability to review and edit submissions. The steps to achieve this are included in the section above. This section details the default behavior and implications for each setting when used on job and global forms.

Job forms

The default value for new forms is Single submission. For existing forms, the default value is Multiple form submissions (existing behavior).

Single submission: When selected, a resource can submit only one response for the form on a given job. The resource can review and edit their response after they have submitted the form.

Multiple form submission: When selected, resources can submit any number of responses; however, they will not be able to view or edit their responses after submission.

Global forms

The default value for all forms is Multiple form submission.

Single submission: When selected, a resource can submit only one response for the form on the More menu. The resource can review and edit their response after they have submitted the form.

Multiple form submission: When selected, resources can submit any number of responses; however, they will not be able to view or edit their responses after submission.

Prevent form submission on job statuses

This setting allows administrators to control when forms can be submitted by specifying which job statuses that resources cannot submit the responses.

This enhancement allows greater control and precision in managing form submissions, ensuring that responses are only collected when they are relevant and needed.

For example, resources cannot submit forms when job statuses are “Declined job” and “Cancelled job.”

Prevent form submission