
Multi-select picklist component.


The multiSelector component is used to render a multi-select picklist in a flat page. This component allows users to select multiple options from a list of pre-defined options.

The following example demonstrates how the multi-selector component in the UI Components Showcase example form appears when uploaded to Skedulo Plus.

Multi-selector component

The multi-selector component displays data in a similar list format to the single selector component, but allows users to select multiple options.

Multi-selector component


When utilizing the multiSelector component, two common scenarios typically arise:

  • Multi-picklist field: Following selection, the chosen values are collected into an array and linked to a single field within an object.

  • N-N object relationship: Upon selection, multiple records of that object are generated.

In addition to the shared properties, we provide distinct properties tailored to the logic of each scenario. Refer to the details below for more information.

Property Description
Common flat page editor components Common properties in Flat page editor components.
sourceExpression Predefined set of data that users can choose from. If not defined, onlineSource must be specified.
onlineSource The online source that is used to retrieve the data. This data is read-only in online mode.
displayExpression* Indicates which property’s value is shown.
For example, if the displayExpression is "pageData.Product.Name", the value of field Name of the "page.Data.Product" is displayed in the UI of the editor after the user has selected the item.
caption A localized expression string defining additional data of the selected item in the editor.
placeholder The placeholder text that is a hint or description shown inside the text field before the user enters a value.
selectPage Specifies the page displaying the list of selectable items.
selectPage.itemTitle A localized expression defining how to render the title of each selected item.
selectPage.itemCaption A localized expression defining how to render the caption of each selected item.
selectPage.emptyText A localized expression defining the text displayed when there are no items to select.
selectPage.title A localized expression string defining how to render the title of the select page (navigation title).
searchBar Enables the search bar on the selected page. If not defined, the search bar won’t be shown.
searchBar.placeholder A localized expression defining the placeholder text displayed in the search bar.
searchBar.filterOnProperties* An array defining the properties used to filter items in the list.
filterExpression The data expression returning a boolean value. (See details in the linked section.)


The following example demonstrates how the multiSelector component in the example above is configured in the ui_def.json file of the UI Components Showcase example form.


            "type": "multiSelectEditor",
            "title": "form.ShowCasePage.MultiSelectProduct",
            "structureExpression": "pageData.ShowCaseMultiProducts",
            "sourceExpression": "sharedData.Products",
            "displayExpression": "item.ShowCaseProduct.Name",
            "displayDataInSearchPageExpression": "item.ShowCaseProduct",
            "placeholder": "form.ShowCasePage.MultiSelectProductHint",
            "readonly": "pageData.Disabled",
            "constructResultObject": {
                "data": {
                    "ShowCaseProduct": "${item}",
                    "ShowCaseObjectId": "${pageData.UID}",
                    "ShowCaseProductId": "${item.UID}"
                "objectName": "ShowCaseMultiProduct",
                "compareProperty": "ShowCaseProductId"
            "selectPage": {
            "itemTitle": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductItemTitle",
            "emptyText": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductEmpty",
            "title": "form.ShowCasePage.SelectProductTitle",
            "searchBar": {
                "filterOnProperties": [
            "validator": [],
            "caption": "form.ShowCasePage.EditorHint"


The corresponding localized strings in the /static_resources/locales/en.json file are:

    "MultiSelectProduct": "Multi Select Title",
    "MultiSelectProductHint": "Multi Select Hint",
    "SelectProductItemTitle": "${item.Name}",
    "SelectProductEmpty": "No Products",
    "SelectProductTitle": "Choose a Product",
    "EditorHint": "Hint for editor",