Map custom objects and fields

After you create custom objects and fields in the Salesforce environment, map them in the Skedulo web application so that you can use them for GraphQL queries and mutations. GraphQL queries are used for remote requests and updates to your custom objects using your preferred API client, or for creating custom web extensions.

This section uses the hypothetical Vaccine and Supply custom objects created in the previous section as an example to demonstrate how to map custom objects and fields in the Skedulo web app.

To map the custom objects and fields from Salesforce, do the following:

  1. In the Skedulo web application, click your user profile and then click Settings > Custom Fields.

  2. Map the objects by doing the following:

    a. Click the Select object picklist and then click Vaccine. Click Add.

    b. Click the Select object picklist again and then click Supply. Click Add.

  3. Map the fields by by doing the following:

    a. On the object, for example Vaccine, click the Select field picklist and select the field Jobs. Click Add.

    b. On the Supply object, click the Select field picklist and select Vaccine. Click Add.

  4. Change any settings on the fields, as required, and then click Save.

The objects and fields can now be accessed using GraphQL. See the Using GraphQL to query custom objects and fields page for more information on how to do this. You can also enable GraphiQL for the Skedulo web application. See the GraphiQL documentation for instructions.