
The toggle component is used to render a toggle switch, checkbox, or radio button on a flat page.


The toggleEditor component is used to create different interactive controls, including a toggle switch, checkbox, and radio button, on a flat page. These allow users to choose one or more options, depending on the use case.

The three variations are used for slightly different purposes:

  • Switch: A switch is used to toggle between two states, such as on and off.
  • Checkbox: A checkbox is used to select one or more options from a list of items.
  • Radio: A radio button is used to select a single option from a list of items.

These are illustrated below, where you can see how the toggleEditor component appears within a section that has a title in the UI Components Showcase example form on a flat page.

Toggle component


Property Description
Common flat page editor components Common properties in Flat components.
items A list of toggle items metadata.
mode The mode of the toggle component. The mode can be switch, checkbox, or radio.

Toggle item metadata

Property Description
valueExpression The data expression used to assess the value of the toggle item.
onValue The value of the toggle item when it is on. This is not required for switch mode.
offValue The value of the toggle item when it is off. This is not required for switch mode.
text The localized text to display next to the toggle item.


The following example demonstrates how the toggleEditor components in the example above are configured in the ui_def.json file of the UI Components Showcase example form and the corresponding en.json localization file.

Switch mode


    "type": "toggleEditor",
    "mode": "switch",
    "items": [
        "valueExpression": "pageData.Switch1",
        "text": "form.ShowCasePage.Switch"
    "caption": "form.ShowCasePage.EditorHint",
    "readonly": "pageData.Disabled"


    "Switch": "Switch title",
    "EditorHint": "Hint for editor",

Checkbox mode


    "type": "toggleEditor",
    "mode": "checkbox",
    "title": "form.ShowCasePage.Checkbox",
    "readonly": "pageData.Disabled",
    "items": [
        "valueExpression": "pageData.Checkbox11",
        "text": "form.ShowCasePage.Checkbox1_1"
        "valueExpression": "pageData.Checkbox12",
        "text": "form.ShowCasePage.Checkbox1_2"
        "valueExpression": "pageData.Checkbox13",
        "text": "form.ShowCasePage.Checkbox1_3"
    "validator": [
        "type": "expression",
        "errorMessage": "form.ShowCasePage.CheckboxValidationHint",
        "expression": "pageData.Checkbox13 == true || pageData.Checkbox12  == true || pageData.Checkbox11  == true"
    "caption": "form.ShowCasePage.EditorHint"


    "Checkbox": "Checkbox",
    "Checkbox1_1": "Checkbox text content 1.",
    "Checkbox1_2": "Checkbox text content 2",
    "Checkbox1_3": "Checkbox text content 3",
    "CheckboxValidationHint": "Checkbox validation message",
    "EditorHint": "Hint for editor",

Radio mode


    "type": "toggleEditor",
    "mode": "radio",
    "title": "form.ShowCasePage.Radio",
    "readonly": "pageData.Disabled",
    "items": [
        "valueExpression": "pageData.Radio1",
        "onValue": 1,
        "text": "form.ShowCasePage.Radio1_1"
        "valueExpression": "pageData.Radio1",
        "onValue": 2,
        "text": "form.ShowCasePage.Radio1_2"
        "valueExpression": "pageData.Radio1",
        "onValue": 3,
        "text": "form.ShowCasePage.Radio1_3"
    "caption": "form.ShowCasePage.EditorHint"


    "Radio": "Radio title",
    "Radio1_1": "Radio text content 1",
    "Radio1_2": "Radio text content 2",
    "Radio1_3": "Radio text content 3",
    "EditorHint": "Hint for editor",