Help and troubleshooting

How to get help and answers to common issues with the Skedulo CLI.


The Skedulo CLI includes a help system that can be accessed by adding --help to any command.

Use the help system

The help system is available on all commands and at multiple levels.

For example, you can get help on which artifact commands are available by running the following:

sked artifacts --help

The Skedulo CLI artifact help screen

You can also get help for a specific artifact by running:

sked artifacts custom-field --help

The Skedulo CLI artifact help screen

And finally, you can get help for a given operation on an artifact by running:

sked artifacts custom-field get --help

The Skedulo CLI artifact help screen

DEBUG mode for CLI

The CLI has a built-in debug mode on all commands to see more information about the CLI operation.

If you want to see more debug information, you can run the CLI in DEBUG mode by setting the environment variable DEBUG to *skedulo*:

DEBUG=*skedulo* sked 

enable debug mode in the CLI

Common issues

Token expiration and unauthorized errors

The CLI will often make calls to the Skedulo system using the tenant token that you logged in with. If the token is expired it could lead to an error such as:

Error:  (1) Access token has expired. Log in again to refresh it.

To see which tenant’s token has expired, run the command:

sked tenant list

tenant list with the Skedulo CLI

To renew the token, log into the tenant again using the same alias. See Log into a tenant (or team)

Package with function fails due to wait period

When deploying a package containing a function, the package may fail to deploy if the function takes more than two minutes to be ready.

To avoid this, make sure your function’s build process completes within two minutes. You can test this by running the following command in the root directory of the function project:

time yarn bootstrap && yarn compile

measure time to build function

Package deployment errors

If you encounter a error when deploying a package, you can investigate the error by re-run register package command with --verbose flag:

sked package deploy --verbose -d -p temp-artifact-package/

enable verbose mode in package deployment

Next steps

For more information, check out:

Download and installing the Skedulo CLI

Authenticate to a tenant

Work with artifacts

Work with packages

Skedulo CLI command reference